Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer Reading Program

End-of-the-Year LIBRARY NEWS
Summer Reading Program

at Houston Public Library -
Sign up for the 2015 Summer Reading Program and earn a chance to win board games, books, craft kits, coupons to cool restaurants, and more. The theme this year is Go Back to Invest the Future. The SRP,
a free incentive program to encourage kids and teens to read, includes many diverse educational and fun programs including entertainers, story times, science activities, crafts and other fun programming for kids and teens up to 18 years of age for details visit


Students receiving a certificate for participation in 2015 Summer Reading Challenges may earn 5 pts. toward their Accelerated Reader total points.
Keep the certificates to give to Mrs. Fontenot in the beginning of school.


a "HAPPY READING" THANK YOU to our eager 4th and 5th grade Junior Librarians. These students help our library provide an environment for reading and learning. We are blessed having their help because they realize the important of responsibility,  organization, team work, good judgement, and kindness. At the beginning of the school year 4th and 5th graders may submit an application to become a Junior Librarian. Their first meeting is in October 2015.


             Decorah Eagles


 Bright Minds, Poor Grades: Understanding and Motivating your Underachieving Child
Child-renowned clinical psychologist Michael Whitley, Ph.D. offered teachers a proven ten-step program to motivate children.
His easy-to follow book identifies the six types of underachievers from the procrastinator to the hidden perfectionist and it presents the ten steps to help children succeed in school-and ultimately, in life. Dr. Whitley also explained that parents must have powerful techniques that reach inside the child's mind, and work there, so that the child's communication with the parents about school deepens, the child discloses more about themselves to the parents. In order to do that, parents must swallow a little frustration, and become extremely positive.  I call this the Mr. Rogers technique, patterned after Mr. Rogers on PBS. It's a gentle, kind, but firm insistence on honesty, value and work. Yelling, screaming and punishment will not do to build a strong work ethic in kids. If it did, America would be full of A students, because everyone has tried that. It's not just a philosophical or psychological issue, it's a deeply practical matter. 

2015 CHILDREN’S Book Awards

          2015 Children's Choice Book Awards

The only national child-chosen book awards program,giving young readers a powerful voice in their own reading choices.
Kids and teens aren't shy about their favorite things, especially when it comes to the books they love. In the run-up to the 2015 Children's Choice Book Awards, young readers cast more than 1,300,000 votes for their favorite books, authors and illustrators.
Book of the Year awards, based on grade level, went to "Eva and Sadie and the Worst Haircut EVER!" by Jeff Cohen; "Kali's Story: An Orphaned Polar Bear Rescue" by Jennifer Keats Curtis; "The Dumbest Idea Ever!" by Jimmy Gownley.

Awesome 2015 Book Fair


The Book Fair was awesome again this year. Seems like it's getting bigger and better every year. The book fair was held in the STM Library just in time for Catholic Schools Week. One look at our book fair tells you why reading is important to our students, why they love to read, and what some of their favorite books are. Parent volunteers helped arrange fiction and non-fiction books in an outstanding exhibit for elementary and junior high students. THANKS to everyone who made our Book Fair so successful, especially on Open House-Wednesday night