Book Of The Month

 March: The Promise of a Pencil:Virtue of Charity
by Adam Braun,204,203,200_.jpg

Adam Braun began working summers at hedge funds when he was just sixteen years old, sprinting down the path to a successful Wall Street career. But while traveling he met a young boy begging on the streets of India, who after being asked what he wanted most in the world, simply answered, “A pencil.” This small request led to a staggering series of events.

February: Snowy Valentines: Virtue of Courtesy
by:David Petersen,204,203,200_.jpg

Step out into a snowy Valentine’s Day with Jasper the bunny as he searches the forest valley for a special gift for his loved one.

 January: DIRTY RATS
Virtue of the Month: Studiousness
by Darrin Lunde
Book coverDirty Rats! starts by describing the unsavory creatures that most of us think of as disease-carrying vermine. Soon, though, it moves on to rats that live in tropical rain forests and look more like mice; insect-eating rats in Ecuador that look like otters; and bushy-tailed rats with cool mohawks that live in the Philippines. At last we circle back to the familiar (and somewhat controversial) lab rats. With facts about how rats help the environment, play an important part in the food chain, and help humans, they don't seem all bad.

December:The Little Book of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Raoul Plus
Virtue of the Month: Patience

 Cover art
 Watching Jesus grow daily in wisdom and grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary pondered in her heart the secrets of her divine Son.Because Our Lady watched Christ grow each and every day, she created the most valuable manual of Christian perfection that can be had: her own heart.

November: Where The Mountain Meets The Moon
by: Grace Lin

Minli, whose name means “quick thinking,” lives with her desperately poor parents at the junction of Fruitless Mountain and the Jade River. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. One day, after a goldfish salesman promises that his wares will bring good luck, Minli spends one of her only two coins in an effort to help her family. After her mother ridicules what she believes to be a foolish purchase, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, who, it is told, may impart the true secret to good fortune. Along the way, she finds excitement, danger, humor, magic, and wisdom, and she befriends a flightless dragon, a talking fish, and other companions and helpmates in her quest. Stories, drawn from a rich history of Chinese folktales, weave throughout her narrative, deepening the sense of both the characters and the setting and smoothly furthering the plot. Children will embrace this accessible, timeless story about the evil of greed and the spirit of reverence.
OCTOBER: James in the House of Aunt Prudence
by: Tomothy Bush
An afternoon in Aunt Prudence's proper Victorian home is anything but dull;James is to spend the day with his great-aunt, but instead of giving him a tour of her Victorian mansion, she leaves him alone with tea and macaroons and goes off to finish an important letter. The boy's fertile imagination takes over, and all sorts of weird, scary, and exciting things begin to happen in the elegant rooms.
James' careful, good judgment allows him and his big bear friend to experience a fairy-tale fantasy/adventure.

SEPTEMBER: The Secret Garden
by:  Frances Hodgson Burnett
 This timeless classic is a poignant tale of Mary, a lonely orphaned girl sent to a Yorkshire mansion at the edge of a vast lonely moor. At first, she is frightened by this gloomy place until she befriends a high-spirited boy named Dickon and investigates a secret garden on the Manor grounds. She also discovers a sickly young cousin, Colin, who has been shut away in a hidden Manor room. Together Mary and Dickon help Colin return to good health and the three establish a true friendship while reawakening the garden's beauty.

 AUGUST:The Randolph Caldecott Medal 2015
The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend
          author and illustrator Dan Santat
This magical story begins on an island far away where an imaginary friend is born. He patiently waits his turn to be chosen by a real child, but when he is overlooked time and again, he sets off on an incredible journey to the bustling city, where he finally meets his perfect match and-at long last-is given his special name: Beekle.

JULY: The Flower Man
by MarkLudy

What happens when the Flower Man steps into a colorless world? Behind every window lies a different story in this unique wordless book. This is the tale of a humble man who loves life, his garden and his neighbors. Children will also delight in searching for Squeakers the mouse, hidden somewhere on every page. (for wordless book lovers)